Journey Towards Peace

+1 (929) 412-5845

Ximena Guadalupe Velasco Segura

Ximena Guadalupe Velasco Segura


I have participated in various international youth forums such as Asia Youth International Model United Nations Conference as well as in change World Model of the United Nations Conference that is held at the United Nations in New York City.

I realized the magnitude of leadership and ambition that exists in the world with my colleagues as well as some people who were able to tell us more about their experiences, perspectives and work that already need to be done in the world as was the case of Joung-Ah Ghedini-Williams (Head of the UNHCR Communication Service) and Guilherme Canela (Head of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO), President number 42 Bill Clinton etc. , which gave me one more incentive to be able to have an influence in our society and in the world and consequently in how sometimes we have to grow and challenge ourselves as a person so that every day we surpass ourselves.
I have been able to appreciate the problems that exist in the world in all its perspectives, but the one that interests me most to help is in the education of children and their futures since I have observed great deficiencies in the education of my country both technological and economic and as a consequence the children who stopped studying increasingly got into crime, even if they were brilliant minds, but poorly focused.​

For this reason I really thought about what change I could make and that it was an achievable goal for the children of the communities so with my resources I made the project “Reading Space” a project aimed at children in which we do various readings and teach them mathematics, English and Spanish.

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