Journey Towards Peace

+1 (929) 412-5845

Soman Hameed

Soman Hameed


This is Soman Hameed. I have recently graduated in Business Administration from Riphah International University Islamabad and working as Admin and Finance Manager at Baghbaan since 2018.
Having good administrator skills and also a fine grip in accounts handling and book keeping I am passionate to play my part to bring change with better usage of my skills. I can definitely say that I had a very fortunate childhood. Growing up in Kashmir, going to an English medium school, having a very select group of friends, basically living in a bubble that was protecting me from the outside world. Today, my life is not so different. İ live and work in Islamabad, where small things can quickly become big problems, if not seen from the right perspective. İ was lucky enough to learn a couple of different languages from a young age, to travel and also to live in different cities of Pakistan. There is nothing I love more than travelling, meeting new people and submerging myself in a different culture. İ believe it’s a very special experience that expands your vision of the world. Turning 27 this year, I come to realize that I do not want to lead the life I am leading today. İ have no desire to work for a billion-dollar corporation to help them make more billions. İ would like to be a part of something different, something that matters. İ have had many volunteering experiences; from tutoring children to helping seniors, from spending time with homeless people to visiting addicts on holidays. Each of these gave me a fulfillment no other job did. İ would love to take this passion to the next level and start doing it professionally. İ have no doubt that being a part of this chain won’t be easy. Many obstacles will have to be surpassed but i am up to the challenge. İ believe my multicultural past, my education and my passion for volunteering will make me a great asset. This position will allow me to become the person i want to be in life and work for a cause I care deeply about. İt will help me overcome everyday problems and focus on what really matters. After all, as the Dalai Lama once said “It is not enough to be compassionate, we must act”.

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