Journey Towards Peace

+1 (929) 412-5845

Soha Nisar

Soha Nisar


I was born and raised in Islamabad, the Capital of my Nation, a city that has been ranked amongst the most beautiful in the world, thanks largely to its infrastructure. Having been brought up in a family of government officials, I was introduced to the realm of politics at a very early age by people who accepted bipartisan views, yet remained staunch advocates of their political views. Hence, political discussions were the norm at the dinner table. When I wasn’t studying for school, I was reading newspapers and op-ed columns, which both introduced and supplemented my understanding of local and international politics, allowing me to better engage in political discussions at my household.
During my time in school, I was awarded multiple trophies- both academic and extracurricular. As I scored multiple A and A* grades in the Cambridge GCE exams and IGCSE exams, I was thereby awarded membership in the National Society of High School Scholars and was awarded all rights, honors and privileges in recognition for Meritorious Scholastic Achievement and Excellence, privileges extended to an exclusive few.
By the time I was ready for university, I had developed a strong interest in, and attained extensive knowledge of International Relations (IR) and Politics, which has made pursuing my bachelor’s degree in IR and Politics from The Millennium University College London School of Economics’ International Program relatively easy. I am currently in my final year.
I have also completed a plethora of internships, the most noteworthy of which have been at: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2 months under the desks of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, legal and Asian-Pacific), the National Assembly, South-Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI), Lawyers’ Inn, and the Centre for Research and Security Studies.
During this phase in my life, my love for politics and diplomacy has only increased. I continue to be an avid reader, writer and researcher. Reading books is my favorite pastime from which my current favorites include: “Democracy and Its Critics”, “The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World Order”, “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”, and “The Globalization of World Politics”. I am confident in saying that reading continues to greatly increase my knowledge regarding current affairs and global issues. Additionally, I like to take online free courses and conduct research to further add to my knowledge.
I have tried to put this extensive knowledge to good use in attending various debates such as the Model United Nations, All Pakistan Parliamentary Summits, and multiple Moot Court competitions which has even furthered my understanding of pivotal topics including Sustainable development goals, International treaties, politics and conflict resolution. I now strive to invite the masses to engage in such political debate by being a part of the Global Peace Chain.
I was Director security for the Millennial Model United Nations and the Fight Hunger Model United Nations, the Director Registrations for the All Pakistan Parliamentary Summit, and was amongst the organizing teams for the National Capital Model United Nations and Olympiad. I was also appointed Vice President for Model United Nations at my university’s student council which gave me the opportunity to use the knowledge and skill I had worked so hard to accumulate to represent my Country in International debates. Most people would vouch that I am a capable individual that is well versed, well-informed, possesses extensive knowledge and has substantial leadership capabilities.
I also opt to dedicate as much time as I can, and encourage others around me to do so as well, to social causes. I, alongside my team have collected stationary for underfunded schools, and arranged cash for weddings for underprivileged families; since we are firm advocates for a solution to global warming, we have carried out multiple plantation drives. The most significant cause that I believe I was a part of, was a two-week internship at a local hospital, which instilled in me a dedication to improve living conditions, better health care facilities, better education and to speak out for the impoverished.
For these very purposes I attended the International Youth day in 2014 and 2019, commemorated jointly by UNDP and UNFPA. The conference of 2019 consisted of interactive sessions with the youth of Pakistan regarding the theme “transforming education”. The key speakers spoke about the topics: health education, entrepreneurship and future of Pakistan. The goal was to discuss the ways in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The conference was highly beneficial in terms of increasing knowledge about solutions to combat illiteracy in Pakistan. The 2014 conference was on raising awareness for mental health.
For said purposes I have also written for newspapers such as The Nation, Pakistan Observer and Patriot, commenting and raising concerns upon the most significant of subjects which are seldom brought up by our mainstream media, for instance, I urged our administration to develop long term measures for combating epidemics such as dengue and contaminated water. I have also commented on current affair issues such CPEC and trade policy, and in other articles I advocated for price controls on grocery items. Occasionally, I also write on subjects such as democratic constitutionalism and human rights, communism, feminism which have earned me considerable recognition amongst the newspaper industry.
During 2017-2018, I traveled to Turkey to study at Bilkent University where I had an insight into the language and tradition of the indigenous people which not only deepened my political knowledge but also emphasized the importance of cultural bonds, peace and socialization in society. During my stay, I stayed true to my identity and represented Pakistan at every possible occasion and human interaction. For instance, I participated in the International Festival in which my group set up stalls, dressed up in ‘desi’ clothes and gave a traditional dance performance. My ability to adapt to any situation while staying true to my roots aligns with the role’s need for representation, adaptability and creative thinking. I rarely have free time on my hands but when I do it is spent in the outdoors- traveling, socializing, and hiking.

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