Journey Towards Peace

+1 (929) 412-5845

Mohammadreza Mahmoodi

Mohammadreza Mahmoodi


I believe that, when people learn, they are growing. I’m on a quest to make excellence a part of those lives that I come in contact with. For me, every day is an opportunity to make the world in which I live and work a better, more creative, and more compassionate place.

Following the effectiveness of Digital Transformation in the world, as the Co-founder and CEO of ” HAAMI Digital Consultancy”, I try to help businesses in this direction.

I’m eager to learn new concepts in the world of technology, so if you are looking to improve your business situation, or have the opportunity to partner with our collection, or find yourself in the field of growing digital approaches as well as new technologies, I look forward to learning.
Hopefully, we can be effective leaders in the new world together.

I’m a lifelong optimist who believes that no mountain is too high to climb, every obstacle has a solution attached to it and even the most far-reaching dreams can be realized with imagination, creativity, and resilience. My passion is to help the people I come in contact with turn a great idea into a breakthrough experience that can be seen, touched, and felt global.

I see that obstacles are just opportunities in disguise. Always looking over the next horizon, I am constantly seeking a chance to be a part of that one innovation that can change the way people experience the world.

Chairman | HAAMI Digital Consultancy | UNITE2030 YDP Top100 Youth Leaders | Digital Transformation Consultant | UNITE2030 Iran Country Ambassador

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