Journey Towards Peace

+1 (929) 412-5845

Sina Faghani

Sina Faghani


My journey towards peace began in childhood. Witnessing the pain and suffering of classmates bullied by seniors and teachers ignited a deep desire within me to protect and defend those in need. I never resorted to violence, believing in the Iranian proverb, “The time you accept unjustice you will not be a good person anymore.” This principle has become a guiding light, motivating me to seek peaceful solutions and foster understanding.

My academic background reflects a strong foundation in humanities and social sciences. As student council president from 3rd to 12th grade, I honed my leadership skills and gained experience bringing people together. Working with NGOs to teach English to underprivileged children deepened my understanding of social issues and the power of education to empower individuals.

Currently, I am pursuing an economics degree at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. As an excutive member of the International Student Association (ISA) and president of the Farabi Debating Society, I actively promote dialogue and understanding among diverse student communities. Through debate competitions and events, I strive to equip individuals with the skills to express themselves respectfully and find common ground even amidst differences. My participation in MUN conferences, where I received the Best Delegation Award and Honorable Mention, further solidified my commitment to international collaboration and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

I believe global supply chains can be a powerful tool for peace. By fostering transparency, ethical sourcing practices, and fair trade agreements, we can create economic opportunities that empower communities and eliminate incentives for conflict. Additionally, promoting cultural exchange and educational programs within supply chain networks can build bridges between diverse populations and foster empathy and understanding.

One specific idea I have is to develop a “Peace Chain Network” that connects businesses committed to ethical practices with consumers who prioritize social responsibility. This network would promote sustainable supply chains, empower local communities, and create a global movement for peace through economic collaboration.

As an excutive Member of the ISA, I often encounter situations where tensions arise among international students. I utilize active listening, empathy, and open communication to facilitate dialogue and understand the root causes of conflict. I encourage students to focus on shared goals and work collaboratively to find solutions that benefit everyone. By promoting respectful disagreement and constructive criticism, I create a safe space for diverse viewpoints to be heard and considered.

My strong sense of justice and unwavering belief in the power of peaceful solutions are my greatest strengths. I am a natural leader with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, allowing me to connect with diverse individuals and build strong relationships.

My short-term goal is to establish the “Peace Chain Network” within Kazakhstan and iran. also connect it with similar initiatives around the world. In the long term, I aspire to become a global leader in promoting peace through ethical supply chain practices and educational programs. I believe that by fostering collaboration and mutual understanding, we can build a more peaceful and sustainable future for all.

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