Journey Towards Peace

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Tabriz Mamarakhimov

Tabriz Mamarakhimov


Tabriz Mamarakhimov (Sobirovich) -born in  Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan. He graduated from Samarkand State School 24 but is now a student at Vilnius University of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Tabriz was strongly recommended by his school under a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He participated in the UN Economic Committee in Tashkent (Approved), OSCE Model in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (Certificated), Kyrgyzstan (Certificated), Samarkand Online Human Rights Forum, coordinated by the OSCE and the United Nations.Semi-finalist of the competition “Diplomatic School of the EAEU in Nur Sultan”- training week in Kazakhstan for students meeting with ministers, bloggers and influencers. Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the organization “Reimagining Society,” Co-founder of “Brothers Travel Service” LLC, a travel agency located in Samarkand. Mr. Mamarakhimov has experience in volunteering in “Samarkand Half Charity Marathon”, “Youth Development Agency” and “Samarkand private organization for helping children diagnosed with autism”.

He worked with Start up named “” in cooperation with IT park and Ministry of Tourism Development, “” is the online software for booking hotels and trip-pockets in Uzbekistan. Tabriz has focused on a lot of training sessions and seminars about the global economy, the skills of diplomacy and psychology. These courses helped him to improve his skills in these areas, as he says “People should develop not only that area where they work, a lot of attention should be paid to soft skills”

“It is an honor for me to be the representative of my country in this organization, Uzbekistan definitely has potential in the international market and our task is to provide everyone with the necessary resources.” – noted Tabriz about the new position in GPS.

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