Journey Towards Peace

+1 (929) 412-5845

Andral Jean

Andral Jean


Jean Auguste Andral holds a degree in social sciences, communication journalism and a specialization in investigations into sexual abuse and exploitation. He is Founder and General Manager of a local NGO named “Union des Jeunes pour le Développement Local” (UJDL). An NGO that specializes in the social and financial education of children, in gender-based violence and also in the search for issues that prevents the development of communities in Haiti. He worked for more than seven years in development, starting with the NGO Save the Children as a social worker and community promoter, passing Concern Worldwide in collecting data for a family reintegration project. After hurricane Mattiew (2016), Andral put his expertise at the disposal of the International Medical Corps (IMC) as Departmental Supervisor. Its main responsibility was to provide technical support for the implementation of a Cholera vaccination campaign with GBVS socio-economic reintegration component and the empowerment of women in their communities under the Joint Program to Combat Cholera. impunity. Support for victims of gender-based violence and women’s empowerment in southern Haiti. Andral is an asset to any team because he is well equipped to work under pressure in a given time while maintaining his sense of humor

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