Journey Towards Peace

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Amged Abdulkareem Qassem Al-Osmani

Amged Abdulkareem Qassem Al-Osmani

Amged is ambitious, and optimistic young man, who holds many dreams that almost never stop until he completes them.
He is currently completing his studies for the Architectural Engineering Department, in addition to his studies, skills and experience since more than 5 previous years in the fields of (Management – Leadership – Community Work .. and others).
 Despite his young age and difficult living conditions in his country, he relies on himself for material income (he works as an architect – he performs many voluntary activities – he learns a diplomas and different courses ..)
 For the social activities, he founded his own organization ( Bright Future) in 2016, when he was 19 years old.
 He works in many international and local organizations, and the state has installed him the governor of his city for youth.
 Amged believes that peace is the starting point for the progress of the two countries, and it is the optimal way for a quiet life, especially the wars and the conflicts that his country, Yemen, has experienced , and a lot of killing.
Among his work in the field of peace (Silent film ” Live and let others live ” _ The campaign we need peace _ The biggest candle of peace project .. and others).
He was always dreaming to gain different cultures and experiences from all nationalities around the world, he loves traveling and meeting new people and friends.
 Finally, despite all the difficulties he faced, he still believes that peace is the refuge and the only solution to all differences and wars in Arab societies.

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