It’s February
We have what to celebrate;Valentine’s Day and much more.
Also the month where we remember and celebrate National Black History.
It’s all about remembering both triumphs and struggles of African Americans throughout the U.S. history, like the civil rights movement and their artistic, political achievements to the present day not let to mention even
many injustices against these people.
Somewhere on a page of the book ‘THE HISTORY OF AMERICA’ I read;
Why do we need to know history?
Because by knowing the past we can know about our present and future.
It was September 1915 when both G. Woodson and Jesse E. Moorland founded ASNLH, an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by Black Americans and other African descent peoples.
Later in 1926, it was the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.
Many activities, such as events, lectures, took place by schools around the world.
Years passed until ’76 became the official recognition of Black History. President Gerald Ford himself addressed the public to honor the Black American people everywhere.
Every year Black history month was dedicated to a theme and today as I write this article, the dedication goes to the Health and Wellness of people of color .In other words accurately; herbalists, by Africans wherever they are.
Every Nation, State, has its ways of celebration
As consultant, activist for HR and Peace Ambasador of my country here are some ideas what actions I, you, anyone can take to honor today Black history month
First, you can fundraise, donate for Anty- Racism equality. This can be to support any NGO, activity .
Second, share on your social media a movie, a message, in order to understand the importance of these people.
Third, most of us love reading books .So think about your best choice and suggest it to your friends, relatives.
Fourth but not the last, I write this article for you so you do the same why not by writing a poem?
Fifth, I have no doubt that most of you like to be part of any celebrity in your state.You can be part even to any celebration your country did on this day.
It’s in your head, mind and heart to think and act to remember the black people.
Most important is just do something on this day than others will do for you than.
Remember do small but with great heart.
Happy Black month!
Diola Sokoli
Peace Ambassador of GPC
Consultant and activist of HR
Ambasador of peace in Albania and abroad
U- Reporter for Western Balkans
A change maker
A youth advisory council
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