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Global Peace Summit Ukraine

Global Peace Summit Ukraine

Global Peace Chain organized its 3rd International Conference on Peace themed ‘Youth Action towards Peace’ Global Peace Chain is committed to engage youth in Peace Building process.
More than 100 international delegates from 30+ countries participated to contribute towards its success.

Agenda for Day 1:

¶ Opening Speech by Executive Director
Mr. Kamran Zafar

¶ Speech by Program Director GPC
Mr. Muhammed Ahmad

¶ Diplomatic Panel

Mr. Alexander Karaev

1. Mr. Alex Lenarts (Ambassador of Belgium 🇧🇪 to Ukraine)
2. Dr. Mohsin Kamal
(Global Peace Ambassador, Pakistan 🇵🇰 )
3. Hana Sadat Mosavie (Country Director GPC England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 , Advisor to the Global Diplomatic Forum)

¶Story Telling Session
Mr. Wshyar, Iraq 🇮🇶

¶ Young Leaders Panel
The panel discussion was held with the help of moderator Ms Ződi Anna from Hungary. 🇭🇺

Tiago Soares from Brazil 🇧🇷
Mishal Shah from Denmark 🇩🇰
Itgelt Batochir from Mongolia 🇲🇳
Hager Eissa from Austria 🇦🇹

¶ Women and security Panel Discussion.
Moderator Kate Ovsianyk from Ukraine 🇺🇦

Ms. Karina Radchenko (youth delegate from Ukraine at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg) Ms. Andriana Susak

Certificates awarded by
Ms. Anastasia Tiurmenko
Asst. Country Director GPC Ukraine
Ms. Kate Ovsianyk
Event Coordinator, Global Peace Summit-Ukraine

Event was also decorated with live singing and musical perform2by various Ukrainian Artists. For More Pictures Click Here

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